Artists 2018
Platzhirsch Duisburg // Artists 2018
Platzhirsch Duisburg
Leider müssten WY ihren Auftritt auf dem Platzhirsch Festival absagen. Wir arbeiten daran, dass sie im nächsten Jahr zum Platzhirsch 2019 kommen. Wir wünschen den beiden alles Gute!
Wir haben jedoch einen großartigen Ersatz gefunden: Kraków Loves Adana
Stellungnahme der Band:
Last week we lost our beautiful apartment where we’ve been living for the last two years. We were hoping we could stay here longer and for over a month now we’ve been trying to turn things around, hoping things would change. Things have been stressful. Not knowing whether we could stay or not, trying to look for a new place, selling/donating our stuff, making many many phone calls and working and going to school in between everything. We have managed to find a new place but during the end of november and half of december we will be living on friends’ and relatives’ couches out of our suitcases. This means that we won’t be able to come to Germany next week to play. It will just be too much. We want to apologize to the bookers, venues, bands and all of you who bought tickets to come see us. We just can’t handle a trip like that right now. We will be back. And we will soon have new stuff for you to hear. We hope you can understand.
Love, wy